Tips on implementing DevOps models

DevOps helps communication and collaboration between developer and operation teams, across all of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).

Many organisations have adopted, or are moving, towards adopting DevOps processes for a healthier work culture with improved workflows and productivity.

Despite this, there are several issues which regularly come up when implementing DevOps models, which must be dealt with promptly and efficiently. This can include:

Scaling up

DevOps is known to encounter issues while scaling up implementation, typically for larger firms. Implementing DevOps before rolling it across your organisation can ensure a strategic approach to support and help achieve your DevOps goals.


Usually, projects have allocated budget limits. Despite this, it appears not everyone budgets when implementing DevOps. Nonetheless, using a sufficient buffer budget is essential when implementing a DevOps culture.


When implementing DevOps, it is essential to be organised. This is where development teams following agile methodologies can be useful, as operation teams usually have long procedures for making small changes, which can be time consuming and unorganised. Stakeholders must also engage in products throughout the product lifecycle, to ensure a good quality product and quick delivery, leading to customer satisfaction.

Legacy infrastructure/systems

Continued reliance used on old applications and infrastructure can hamper DevOps implementation. Lack of support and stability issues can prevent organisations from adopting DevOps processes. Firms must be up-to-date with the latest applications, tools and technologies to ensure your software and hardware systems stand-out.


Breaking down silos between teams is a standard DevOps requirement. Ensure your teams work together to stay ahead of the competition at a faster rate so they have know-how when implementing DevOps objectives.


Not everyone in the testing space welcomes DevOps deployment, this is because of the fear of change. You must ensure employees know the benefits of implementing DevOps processes, and how to deal with the changes. Do this by making sure DevOps is a smooth, gradual move, and isn’t too overwhelming for the “old school” workers. This will enable everyone to embrace the DevOps culture.


The adoption of DevOps has been accelerated by new tools, and the need to automate. Ensure tools are well-integrated with the existing infrastructure and are secure and safe to use. Despite this, more focus should be on teamwork rather than on tools.

Written by Leah Alger

