Quantum computing to be the future of businesses

A recent study by Classiq revealed that many businesses are ready to implement quantum computing as well as have allocated a budget for projects around it.

Indeed, 98.6% of respondents have stated that quantum computing is a necessity or is important to advance technology performance. Many respondents also see quantum computing filling roles in cybersecurity, machine learning, supply chain management, chemical and pharmaceutical development, and weather forecasting.

By implementing quantum computing, businesses will have new revenue streams, competitive advantage, and cost savings. 95.7% believe that quantum computing will create performance breakthroughs and 60% think that it will be a leading tech trend in the new few years. Moreover, 89% stated that IT departments should create a specific quantum computing budget.

However, there are challenges to adopting quantum computing such as cost, lack of experts, lack of good software environments, time, and lack of hardware availability.

Still, respondents seemed to be very positive about the future of quantum computing.


