ParkMyCloud helps cloud customers save money

ParkMyCloud announced its new platform SmartParking to automate cloud cost optimisation.

The leading enterprise platform for continuous cost control in the public cloud helps Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud customers save money on cloud resources by automatically integrating cost control into their DevOps processes.

ParkMyCloud saves money by scheduling cloud resources to turn off when they are not needed.

With the new SmartParking release, the ParkMyCloud platform will look for patterns in utilisation data from AWS CloudWatch, creating recommend schedules for each instance to turn them off when they are typically idle.

‘Maximised cost savings’

“No other cloud management vendor is doing this,” said ParkMyCloud CTO, Bill Supernor.

“This new layer of automation takes cost optimisation a step further than most tools go, from visibility to actionable, evidence-based scheduling, for maximised cost savings with minimal employee time needed to manage it.”

Like an investment portfolio, users can choose to receive SmartParking schedules that are “conservative”, “balanced”, or “aggressive” — where conservative schedules protect all historic “on” times, while aggressive schedules prioritise maximum savings.

Google Cloud SmartParking support

“ParkMyCloud has helped my team save so much on our AWS bill already, and SmartParking will make it even easier,” added DevOps engineer at Fintech, Tosin Ojediran.

“The automatic schedules will save us time and make sure our instances are never running when they don’t need to be.”

This release supports SmartParking for AWS resources, with near-term plans to add Azure and Google Cloud SmartParking support.

Written from press release by Leah Alger

