Electric Cloud announces ElectricFlow 8.0

A leader in Continuous Delivery and DevOps Release Automation, Electric Cloud, announced its ElectricFlow 8.0 with DevOps Insight Analytics yesterday.

DevOps Insight supplies teams with automated data collection and reporting as an industry first, connecting DevOps toolchain metrics to the milestones and business value in every release.

A Forrester Research report stated: “Many vendors are focused on the ‘workflow’ problem, but few are focused on being able to link the status of a build in the pipeline back to the status of a user story, an epic, a business capability, or a customer outcome.

‘Simplifying data collection to slice and dice’

“As pipelines multiply and products are composed out of many different services, rolling this data up will become even more important. Right now, business leaders lack an easy way to understand whether a particular release will actually deliver the business value they were hoping for.”

John Esser, senior director of data center operations and SaaS at AdvancedMD, added: “Our releases have many moving parts, and touch many teams. Manual data collection, the lack of consistent metric reporting and other ad-hoc analysis techniques and tools made it difficult for us to report on release payload and status quickly, accurately, and consistently.

“With the new ElectricFlow release, we look forward to simplifying data collection to make it easier to slice and dice the data to optimise our delivery pipelines and gain up-to-the-minute insights about individual application releases.”

ElectricFlow DevOps Insight, built on LogStack and ElasticSearch, isolates reporting requests from pipeline orchestration to eliminate the threat of performance impact, and is provided as a tightly integrated stand-alone ‘Business Intelligence’ server.

‘Building automation to test automation’

DevOps Insight is able to pull key metrics from any tools being orchestrated as part of the end-to-end delivery process — from user story tracking, and builds automation to test automation and operations by extending ElectricFlow’s existing catalog of off-the-shelf plug-ins.

A software development kit also allows teams to easily extend the solution to capture custom metrics from new tools.

Written from press release by Leah Alger

