Getting new software to your users without interrupting their experience is hard; how do you upgrade an application that’s in active use? And if you do take an application offline for an update, what happens if something goes wrong?
It’s tempting to try to minimize downtime and reduce release risks by implementing extensive manual processes and procedures—but pre-release work that isn’t automated slows down delivery and makes it hard to roll out new features.
The good news is that you can avoid time-consuming manual work while reducing release risks by following DevOps principles to automate the release and deployment process. And as you automate, using advanced deployment patterns can help you speed up the software delivery cycle while maintaining control over the way your applications are deployed.
This white paper gives you insights into the DevOps best practice of advanced deployment patterns: Blue/Green deployments, rolling updates, canary releases, dark launches, and feature toggles. It describes how each pattern works, the advantages and disadvantages of each one, considerations for implementing them, and best practices when applying them.
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