6.1 billion will own a smartphone by 2020, says report

An estimated 6.1 billion will own a smartphone by 2020, according to The Telegraph.

The Harvard Business Review last year revealed 45% of senior business executives considered smartphones to be a weak link in corporate security, with cyber criminals exploiting vulnerabilities to hold stolen data to ransom.

Xose Diaz, head of enterprise at Samsung Mobile Europe, said in The Telegraph: “A digital revolution has radically reshaped global business over the last two decades, and we have seen the massive adoption of the smartphone. It has impacted the business process of all of our customers; there is still a long way to go until we fully realise all the power of mobile technology.

“But security today is preventing enterprises from collaborating in an open manner, as well as innovating in an open way. The complexity behind security has to be handled with really advanced platforms; it’s so important to build solutions that will enable this move to a more collaborative enterprise culture.”

Samsung has multi-layered defence-grade security on its smartphone and tablets, complete with an iris scanner, fingerprint scanner and face recognition technology that can be used to prevent information from being leaked and unlock them.

Co-founder at Eyn, Hasan Sheik Faridul, believes it will very soon be the go-to smartphone security solution: “I can see the huge potential of biometrics and a visual identity verification system based on machine learning.

“By using a combination of markers – say iris and fingerprint detection – it is possible to identify more than one billion people in India, for example.”

Written by Leah Alger

